Product Care Instructions

In order for your jewellery to last as long as possible, we recommend the following care instructions for wear and safe keeping.

As with all metals, special care must be taken to ensure it does not scratch or tarnish. Try and avoid:
  • Contact with liquids and chemicals. Showering, the sea, the pool, cleaning, can all speed up tarnishing. 
  • Exercising. We love the sports luxe look too but please take off all jewellery prior to exercise as contact with sweat can speed up tarnishing, plus excessive wear and tear - like missing stones!
  • Beauty regime. Applying products like lotions, hairspray, perfumes, moisturisers, etc. should all be avoided whilst wearing jewellery. 
  • Storage. Keep out of direct sunlight and store your pieces in a soft pouch, ideally separately. 
  • General wear and tear. Invest in a decent scratch-free jewellery polishing cloth to brighten up any dull pieces over time. 

Please note – Everyone’s skin varies in PH levels. The oils in your skin may have a higher level of acidity than others, which may cause your jewellery to oxidise and cause discolouration.

We do not recommend purchasing rings that you will wear all day, every day in silver due to the softness of the metal, stones may become loose and/or fall out. Gold/Platinum is much stronger and will better secure the stones in your ring.