Are Moissanite Diamonds Fake? - Fire & Ice Moissanite

Are Moissanite Diamonds Fake?

Are Moissanite Diamonds Fake?

When it comes to diamonds, there's a lot of confusion surrounding the term 'moissanite.' Many people wonder if moissanite diamonds are real or fake. Let's dive deeper into this topic to understand what exactly moissanite is and how it differs from traditional diamonds.

What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is a gemstone that was discovered by a French scientist, Henri Moissan, in 1893. It was initially mistaken for diamonds due to its brilliance and fire. However, moissanite is not a diamond; it is a naturally occurring mineral called silicon carbide.

Differences Between Moissanite and Diamonds

Moissanite and diamonds have distinct differences that set them apart:

  • Origin: Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle, while moissanite is found in meteorites or as a mineral in certain types of rock formations.
  • Hardness: Diamonds are the hardest natural substance, ranking a 10 on the Mohs scale. Moissanite is also very durable but ranks slightly lower, at 9.25 on the Mohs scale.
  • Brilliance: Moissanite exhibits a different type of brilliance compared to diamonds. It has a higher refractive index, resulting in more rainbow-colored flashes of light, also known as dispersion.
  • Cost: Moissanite is a more affordable alternative to diamonds. It offers a similar appearance and brilliance at a fraction of the price.

Are Moissanite Diamonds Considered Fake?

Although moissanite is not a diamond, it is not considered fake either. It is a genuine gemstone with its own unique properties and characteristics. Moissanite has gained popularity as an alternative to diamonds due to its affordability and stunning visual appeal.

It's essential to remember that the value of a diamond is determined by its rarity and natural properties, while moissanite has its own value based on its distinct features. Both diamonds and moissanite have their place in the world of gemstones, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference and budget.

The Bottom Line

Moissanite diamonds are not fake; they are a separate gemstone that shares some similarities with diamonds but also has distinct differences. Whether you choose a moissanite or a diamond, what matters most is that you find a gemstone that captures your heart and fits your budget.

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